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Another Milestone, 10 Years as a Yoga Teacher!

Updated: Nov 10, 2024

From the moment I left home as a sixteen year old I was never alone! Carrying my beautiful boy in my womb, it was us against the world. With no defined identity I felt boxed in by the judgement of a small minded town. This was not going to be my story, my strength and love for my son was going to take us places.

With little concept of my inner self, the only time I felt purposeful was in creating a home for my children, my family. The stigma ( judgement ) of being a young mum has for me at times continued to this day! Being a mother has been the most amazing, insightful journey, an act of selfless love and devotion, I love, cherish and support my children unconditionally.

My purpose still unknown, with three young kids I needed to work, first in hospitality, followed by many years in pharmacy, ironically selling the other side of health care.

Drawn towards a desire to feel something, yoga was my saviour. For that one hour I was free of sadness, light with possibilities. I craved more and this need to serve others led me to my time in Byron becoming a yoga teacher. As I mentioned earlier, I had never been alone and those first couple of days in Byron at the local Backpackers I lied on the bed in a fetal position unable to breathe, everything screaming at me to run, not sure how I could go on, but I did! I learnt more about myself those couple of weeks through yoga and its healing powers.

My desire to teach and open a studio some day did not waiver, leaving me filled with anticipation to return home and begin sharing my love of yoga with others, to form a community, somewhere that you would be seen, heard and safe.

Battling not only my own demons, but also trying to justify my choices to others has at times felt like an uphill battle. My mental health has evolved over the years from, postnatal depression, depression to Bipolar II and in the midst of my darkest days I have always found a way to continue showing up, holding space. I can proudly say I am the most stable I have ever been in this moment, hard work definitely pays off!

I started teaching small classes in my backyard, before moving on to a dance studio, followed by a health clinic, before finding my forever home, ‘YogaNess’ in Jan 2016.

I have made many wrong turns and poor choices, that have at times left me feeling undervalued, purely because I didn’t value myself and had no idea what I was doing, hahah! but I am here with a strong sense of self, seeking knowledge and sharing my truth, so you may share yours

Be willing to outgrow yourself

Eternally grateful for all the support over the years from my husband and kids, to friends and family and to all the yogi’s who walk through the door looking for something more

Ness xx

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